Van Ministry

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Van Ministry

 Safety on the van is our #1 Concern

Van Rider Permission Slip

A Permission Slip is required for any Child under the age of 18 to ride on the bus. The form must be filled out by a Parent or the Legal Guardian. Please print this from and bring it with you filled out completely!.


  1. What is it?
    Lees Chapel Baptist Church offers safe & FREE transportation to and from our Services.
  2. Who can ride?
    A. Anyone can ride that meet these three requirements!We do ask that all children under the age of 4 years of age be accompanied by a Parent or Legal Guardian.
    B. Riders without a parent or legal guardian that are over the age of four must be potty trained.
    C. All riders that are under the age of 18 years old must have a signed permission slip signed to ride! There is no exception to this policy.
  3. Where do we run buses?
    Our buses run from Gardendale on the south to Corner/Hayden on the North routes. For more info please see map below.
  4. How much does it cost?
    It’s FREE
  5. Are buses maintained and staffed by trained people?
    Yes, they are all State Certified drivers and we have a  Mechanic for all our maintenance.
  6. How do my kids get on the bus / How do I get picked up?
    A worker called a “Bus Captain” will come and knock on your door to pick up all riders. You don’t have to wait outside! We WALK all riders to and from their front door.
  7. What takes place on the bus ?
    There is a program of Singing – Bible Games – Fellowship – Bible Lessons -and Prizes.

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